
Network Youth Church is a new way of doing and being church with young people across Cumbria today. It’s a space which is safe and welcoming, but doesn’t shy away from the big questions of life. It’s a space which encourages confidence, participation, understanding and growth. It’s a space where young people can meet and journey together. It’s a space that’s inclusive, where who you are is valued, and where people learn from each other. It’s a space where young people can be themselves, where community happens, real relationships are forged and where church is re-imagined in a fun, creative and modern way.

NYC works with a big picture mentality and in an open and inclusive way. It’s about helping young people discover life in all its fullness, explore the Christian faith and the skills they need to live, learn, work and interact successfully with other people, and engage with the wider world.

We are committed to the highest standards possible to help keep young people safe. The welfare of children, young people and vulnerable adults is an absolute priority for the Church.  As such all NYC staff and volunteers are DBS checked and regularly receive safeguarding training and support through the Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Adviser Joanna Van Lachterop – 07458 016884 safeguarding.adviser@carlislediocese.org.uk

Better than sitting at home and more fun than Sunday church.

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